PostNord: Wichtige Änderungen zum 01.01.2024
PostNord hat uns über die folgenden Änderungen zum 01.01.2024 informiert, die gegebenenfalls auch Ihre Versandlogistik betreffen:
Change to the handling of parcels over 20 kg sent to Sweden
From January 1, 2024, Sweden will change its terms and conditions for handling parcels weighing more than 20 kg to comply with changes in Swedish health and safety legislation. This means that parcels weighing more than 20 kg sent to Sweden must be marked with PostNord’s barcode label “>20 kg” on 3 sides of the parcel. In addition, the Heavy (H9) additional service code must be included in the EDI.
INFO: Dies betrifft im PON-Modul folgende Produkte mit Versand nach Schweden:
- MyPack Home (17)
- PostNord Parcel (18)
- PostNord Return Pickup (20)
Requirements regarding Limited Quantities in Parcels (LQ)
From January 1, 2024, it will be a requirement to state the UN number, content, and weight of the contents of the parcel in EDI when sending dangerous contents as limited quantities (LQ).
If additional service code 58/A8 is activated on a
- MyPack Home (17) DK- all countries
- MyPack Collect (19) DK- all countries
- PostNord Parcel (18) DK- all countries
3 new mandatory fields need to be filled out, and must be included in the EDI
- UN number <UNNo>
- Netweight <NetWeight unitCode="KGM">0.00</NetWeight
- Technical name <TechnicalNameNos>
Additional servicecode for VOEC parcels
From January 1, 2024, it is a requirement to add the VOEC (V1) additional service code in EDI when sending VOEC parcels (MyPack Home and Collect single parcel) to Norway. When the customer us the V1, we ensure that the customers don’t have to pay customs clearance fees for the consignment.
Climate compensation
Per January 1, 2024, "Parcel with CO2 compensation" are included in the parcel price for domestic PostNord Parcel (18) DK-DK and domestic Return products (Drop off (24), Pickup (20) and Pickup Request (12)). "Parcel with CO2 compensation" In order for the sender to show his customers that the parcel is climate compensated, the logo must per January 1, 2024 (or close), default printed on the label for the following products and the current additional service code (22) must not be sent with EDI:
- PostNord Parcel (18) DK-DK
- PostNord Return Drop off (24) DK-DK
- PostNord Return Pickup (20) DK-DK
- PostNord Return Pickup Request (12) DK-DK
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