Sanction List Screening Compliant and legally watertight
Our sanctions screening solution helps you to comply with EU anti-terrorism regulations with minimal effort. The solution is easily integratable into your business processes and scans your business contacts on a regular basis so you can reliably block any sanctioned persons or associations.
Your challenge
Under European and U.S. anti-terrorism regulations, every company is obliged to carry out complex checks of business addresses against existing sanctions lists. Due to the large number of sanctions lists that are maintained worldwide, a comparison on a manual basis is far too difficult and risk-prone. In addition, many different data sources must be considered for a legally compliant sanctions list scan. In the event of a violation, there are severe penalties, including possible imprisonment. Ideally, your ERP system should always have up-to-date access to restricted party lists and automatically report any suspicious business contacts.
Our solution
Our S-CHECK® compliance solution for the inspection screening of sanctions lists helps you to prevent any business contacts with sanctioned companies and persons beforehand. The software automatically screens the names and addresses of your business contacts on a regular basis and an update service keeps your restricted party lists permanently up to date. All check results are logged in a legally secure manner and suspicious contacts are entered into your internal blacklists. You can reliably prevent payments, including salaries, rents, loans, and monetary benefits or goods from your company from being used unknowingly for terrorist financing. Without additional expense, you can document that you are fulfilling the legally required due diligence obligations in a lawfully compliant manner at any time.

Your advantages
- Fast and cost-effective export processing
- Smooth communication with customs authorities
- Reduction of error-related export delays
- Compliant with all current export regulations
- Lean processes thanks to seamless easy integration
Functional highlights at a glance

Avoid sanction list violations
Ensure you do not commit felonies, by doing business with sanctioned individuals or assosiactions/companies. Our solution/software automatically compares the names and addresses of your business contacts with current sanctions lists. You will immediately learn about suspicious contacts, and test results are always logged in a legally compliant manner. Schedule a free demonstration and let us show/convince you!
We offer integration interfaces for seamless incorporation of sanction list scanning for various ERP systems. If your ERP system is not on our list, we will be happy to develop an individual ERP interface for you.
For more extensive integrations an API programming interface is available. If you do not want direct system integration, you can alternatively implement your master data checks via FTP upload, either in csv format or from the user interface of our solution.
- Myfactory
- MS Dynamics NAV / CRM
- proALPHA
- ERP4all (MICLAS)
- SAP (AddOn)
- Büro+ / ERP Complete
- Prodatic ERP 2

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